вторник, 19 ноября 2013 г.

Transport in a city

Dear Group 1.5!

Please post your articles in the comments. They will soon be checked by our second year students; so come back to see their comments. 

Good luck and welcome to our blog!

24 комментария:

  1. Этот комментарий был удален автором.

  2. Hi, guys!
    Now I tell you about our transport system in Moscow and I hope it’ll help you, when you will come there. Well, there are many kinds of public transport in Moscow: The Underground, busses, vans, trolleys, taxi etc. I tell you about the most popular and useful.
    The underground or subway. I think it’s the most popular kind of public transport in Moscow. In addition, subway is the quickest way to get around the city and there are many subway stations all over Moscow. There are two ways of paying for it. The first is card “Ediniy”. You can use it for as many trips as you have paid. And the second way is the Student card or Рension card. Аt the beginning of each month, you pay a certain amount and within a month you can use it as often as you like, but with an interval of 7 minutes.
    Buses. In my opinion, it is the second popular kind of transport in Moscow. There are three ways of paying for your trip. The first and the second is card “Ediniy” and Student card. The third way is “TAT” card. It is a special card-ticket for buses, which you can use several times, like “Ediniy”, but “TAT” card is only for buses and vans. Buses can be quicker than the subway, but there is too much traffic and traffic jams.
    Taxi. This is the most comfortable kind of public transport, but it is more expensive than the bus or subway. The taxi can be any car in Moscow. You just need to get out on the edge of the road and give a signal. Many drivers like to earn money by taking some passengers with them.
    That is all that you need to know about public transport in Moscow.
    Buy, Paul.

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    2. Personally, I think you have written quite interesting article, because it includes different ways to get around Moscow and you have described it in details. Moreover, it is also very good that you have expressed your own attitude to different kinds of transport. Let me give you some advice: about the way when you're going to tell smth to smb it's better to say "I would like to tell you about..." or "I'm going to tell you about..." I think the second version would be better for your article, as you decided to write it in informal way. In the sentence "... I hope it’ll help you, when you will come there." we can't use the verb "will" second time, because it is a rule of the first conditional - so we should use Present Simple in the second part of the sentence: "... I hope it’ll help you, when you come there." We can't put the Infinitive form of the verb after verb "like" either, so the correct form is - "...like earning money".
      The last thing I would like to correct is the spelling of the word "Bye" you just confused it with the verb "buy".
      I wouldn't change other things, because as I already said I like your article and if I were a foreign student it would help me to find the most suitable kind of transport to travel around Moscow.

  3. There are only 3 types of public transport in my city so I decided to write about public transport in Makhachkala. I thought it would be interesting.
    The first type of public transport which I'll compare with others is van (or more simply - "marshrutka"). This is the most popular way to get around the city. Actually, using only 2 routes you can get to the most interesting places in the city. First route in one direction, second - in opposite. Fare costs only 14 rubles so it's really cheap. And it's also really fast: drivers usually drive speedy and aggressive.
    The second type of public transport is taxi. Not as popular as van, but still popular. There're a lot of taxi drivers around the city, but most of them are not licensed. They just trying to earn some money. Taxi is much more comfortable than van and you can get wherever you want, but of course it's more expensive.
    And the last type of public transport - trolleybuses. They are only used by little children and pensioners. It connects two "parts" of city: town and something like countryside; and one route goes through the city. Trolleybus is the cheapest way to get around.

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    2. Apart from the lack of logics in some sentences of your article, your work seems to be quite satisfying. Although, I would advise you to use the dictionaries a bit more often while doing your home tasks in order to emphasize your thoughts in a more precise way. So, that was my general notion and let me comment on your work in particular.
      I’d like to start with analyzing your first paragraph. It seems to me slightly illogical. You should distinguish such words as “city” and “town” and decide for yourself whether we could regard Makhachkala as a city if it only has three means of transport. And I think it would sound much better if you had written: “I’m from Makhachkala and I think it would be interesting for you to know about means of transport available in my native town. So, there are only three types of public transport”.
      The next thing is that you should think more about grammar that you need to use. For instance, “…which I’ll compare with the others is the van”. Using “the others” means that there is limited number of kinds of transport and using “the van” shows us that it is one particular mean of transport. In the sentence “First route in one direction, second - in opposite” I see neither articles nor auxiliary verbs. Also I have to add that “drivers drive” is a tautology. “Aggressive” is an adjective and you need an adverb here. And one more time you missed the auxiliary verb in the sentence “They just trying…”. But of course it’s more expensive than what? There is no comparison then.
      And finally, don’t be so emphatic in your assessments about trolleybuses, maybe they are also used by someone else!;-)
      Don’t take my comments too seriously and I wish you good luck in your further studies!

  4. So, if you ask me about transport in my own city, I`ll tell you that it works great nowadays!
    You know, my own city is Moscow and there are a lot of kinds of transport which are work very good. But, as usual, a blot on the landscape.
    For students, pensioners, large families, in Moscow, were made very good social programm: now they use all kind of transport for more lower price then other, it`s plus.
    In Moscow you can find all kinds of transport! Underground, trolleybuses, buses, trams, taxi, bikes, carriages and a some types of water transport – all this means of locomotions you`ll find in our megapolis.
    If you ask me about comfort, speed, price, i`ll tell you, that the best type of transport is underground. It`s fast, cheap, but on the other hand it`s sometimes crowded. Trolleybuses and buses are good too, but you can stay in a traffic a lot times (cause in Moscow a lot of cars and traffic jams are usually making). Don`t forget about speed limit in the city! You can spend more time on the road, then in the subway. On the second place for fast, i`ll stand trams, so, you are a tourist, let`s try it yourself and you`ll understand me why it`s so good!)) Taxi is very expensive, as for me, I don`t like it, cause it`s not very fast, but it`s very comfortable. Carriages are the best transport if you want to see beauty forests of Moscow region or you need to go to airport (now, it`s called “Aeroexpress”) and you havn`t got enough time. Water transport in Moscow works from March to October. I advice you to use it only like little excursion, not like city transport, cause it very slow and designed for tourists or holidays.
    In conclusion, I want to say, that if you rent a car, please, don`t forget about speed limit on Moscow roads, road works and the greatest device – speed cameras!
    I hope, that my advices will help you in our city, good luck and have a good time!)))

    1. Actually I really like your article, you have made a brilliant work,well done!
      I think you have described enough all Moscow transport system,also you have mentioned all advantages and disadvantages of each mean of transport, and give some advise like a cityguide. It seems you haven't done many mistakes, but only objection that I have, it's in your last sentence, I think you should say: "... my piece of advice will help you..." instead of "...that my advices will help you ..." So, let me give you some free advice not rest on your laurels!

    2. Этот комментарий был удален автором.

    3. Well, your article really impressed me!
      First of all, tell me please, when have you purchased our capital and turned it into your property? Because only when you really do it could you claim Moscow to be your own city.
      Secondly, you do no need any auxiliary verb in the clause “ which are work very good”. You have to either turn this construction into passive or get rid of “are”.
      Then, what does the sentence “But, as usual, a blot on the landscape” mean? And I definitely do not see any verbs there.
      I'd advise you to distinguish the meanings of such words as “program” and “programme”. The word you need here is “programme”, ending on “e”.
      Furthermore, you can't say “they use all kind of transport” because the word “kind” is countable.
      The comparative form of “low” is “lower” not “more lower”. And you should add an article to the word “other”.
      Besides, in the row the following means of transport you have written (underground, trolleybuses, buses, trams, taxi, bikes, carriages...) don't you notice anything strange? Do we really have only one taxi in the entire city?
      Moreover, do not forget to use “the” in front of some means of transport as “the underground” or “the taxi” and so on. This article indicates that you're speaking not about one particular taxi but the means of transport as a whole.
      OK, let's precede. Could you bate my curiosity and explain, what a lot of cars and traffic jams are usually making?
      I'd rather you hadn't put together in the following sentence so many clauses incorrectly. “On the second place for fast, i`ll stand trams, so, you are a tourist, let`s try it yourself and you`ll understand me why it`s so good!”. Well, apart from numerous mistakes in grammar and spelling, you'd better know that according to Longman Dictionary the word “fast” as a noun means “a period during which someone does not eat, especially for religious reasons”.
      And finally, in order no to make my commentary even twice longer than the original article I'd not comment on all of you further mistakes in particular but I'd like to draw your attention to the word “advice”, which is uncountable.
      Good luck in your further studies!

    4. Dear Dimitriy, you were not supposed to comment the article that had been commented before you. What was the reason for that? May be you did not understand the task correctly or you just wanted to demonstrate your superiority ...

    5. Dear J. Locke, I apologize, but I wrote my commentary on Saturday afternoon. However, due to some Internet connection problems I was able to post it only now. Moreover, my intent was not to demonstrate any superiority at all but to indicate on the mistakes made by the first-year student. Nevertheless, I deeply regret about any possible insult that occurred through on my fault.

  5. Nowadays, it is getting more and more popular to have your own car. But some peoples think that it isn’t so necessary. They say every fellow can use many others kind of transport.
    In Moscow, for example, there are a lot of kinds of transport. There are land transports such as coaches, taxes, water transports, such as ships and boats, air transport: planes, helicopters.
    Land Transport
    I think these vehicles can be divided into two types: those who travel on road, and on railway. To my mind, land transport is the most convenient kind of transport for short distance. But if you travel long distance it can be very interesting. You will be able to see a lot of beautiful sceneries. In Moscow there are buses, bikes, taxes, trolleys and the others.
    Air Transport
    As for me, I think it is the most convenient and fast mode of transport. Also some people think that it’s also the safest kind. Thant to air transport we can easily cross seas, oceans, mountains. It is my favorite mode of transport. But sometimes it is really annoying because of flight delay. Besides, many people are afraid of flying. And it is also the most expensive way of travelling. So it has both advantages and disadvantages. In Moscow there are three airports: Domodedovo, Sheremetyevo, Vnukovo
    Water Transport
    In Moscow there are also a lot water transports. They have been used since 2006 as transport for excursion. Everyone can use it to see sights and learn their history. As for me, I don’t like such kind of transport because I have seasickness. But many people like boats and ships.
    In conclusion, I want to say that there are so many types of transport. And every person can choose any of them.

    1. There is no doubt that you have completely prepared yourself for this task) You gave full information about every transport in Moscow,and that made my reading of your article really interesting. But unforunatley I found some mistakes. for example: "In Moscow there are also a lot water transports. They have been used sinc" I'd better say: "a lot OF water" and I don't get who are "They" in the next sentence...
      Despite your mistakes, I really liked your article)
      And did not know that water transport has been used since 2006

    2. In addition to Sergey's comment I'd like to pay your attantion to such word as "people". It has several meanings, but the most useful are: 1. human beings, persons; 2. nation. I suppose that in this case you wanted to use it with the first meaning and that's why you don't need to use "s" because it's already plural. And when you need it in the meaning "nation" it means singular and then you can use "s" to make it plural.
      Also I'd rather said: "...two types:the first one that..., another one that..." You see, transport is not alive, so we can't use with it such pronouns as "who".
      All in all, I think you did a really good job! Good luck!=)

  6. Transport system in my town, Losino-Petrovsky, is not as diversified as in Moscow. But anyway I like my town and want to tell you about it a bit.
    So, there is public transport like bases, suburban electric trains and so on. We don’t have the underground or even trolley and trams. The most convenient way to travel around the town is walking, because Losino-Petrovsky is very small and you can get to any place you want in about 15 minutes or so.
    Many citizen of my town work in Moscow. That’s why the most popular public transport is van. I use it every day to get to the Academy. The price is neither big nor small. It costs 80 rubles to get from Losino-Petrovsky to Moscow. And It takes about 1 or 2 hour (depends on traffic jams).
    In conclusion I want to say that Transport in Losino-Petrovsky is pretty good. But, I think it would be perfect if The underground of Moscow reached my town. It is only my dream, but who knows, maybe someday…

    1. Despite the fact that your article is a little bit smaller than the others, it is really full of useful information about transport situation in your town. Moreover, you described the way that people reach Moscow and mentioned the time that it takes.
      Talking about the style of this text- I'd probably choose more formal styles, if I was I given this task. For example: "But anyway I like my town and want to tell you about it a bit."- I wouldn't use the words describing my personal attitude.
      But in general, I like your article and I know this situation about traffic jams very well, due to fact that I live in a small town too, not far from yours, but closer to Moscow, and yes, the only hope that it will be subway in Eastern Moscow Region)


  7. Busses, trolley, vans and taxies are all public transport in my town. A long time ago I lived in Stavropol and there was poorly developed transport system.
    The most popular transport is trolley, I don't know why. Maybe trolley is cheaper than other transport or it's a new trend. Although If I need to use public transport I always use vans or taxi.
    The least popular transport is van. In my opinion it's the best way to travel around the city (if you don't have a car).
    When I lived in Stavropol I often asked my parents to pick me up, but after I got a driving license and just started to take a car.
    Many people can say: traffic jams. I think better sit in your own car in the traffic jam than sit in the public transport in the same jam.
    In Moscow there are public lines on the road, maybe in 3-5 years government of Stavropol predict to do it, but now we stay in traffic jams.
    I almost forgot about walking. Walking is the most healthy choice of movement.
    In conclusion I want to say - everyone should choose his own favorite type of movement.

    1. Your article is rather good! It is concise,but you've expressed your personal opinion about transport in your native town and also have compared it with Moscow.But if I were you I would add more details about pros and cons оf different types of transport in order to make the information for foreign students more useful. For instance,you write: "The least popular transport is van. In my opinion it's the best way to travel around the city (if you don't have a car)." Why do you think so? Or do you just go with your gut feeling?
      Besides, you may have paid more attention to grammar. Be careful with narrative tenses: AFTER I'D GOT...I STARTED...Also, when we predict a future happening or situation, we use will: THE GOVERMENT WII DO IT. You've made several mistakes, however I'm sure you'll definitely improve your work and make it an ideal one)))

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    According to expatarrivals.com it has been brought to our notice that the growing population and rapid development of Lagos have placed strain on the city's public transport system, and traffic congestion and pollution add to the chaos of this massive city. The most common forms of public transport in Lagos include taxis, buses and motorbike taxis, known locally as okadas. All of these forms of transport are generally unsafe and unreliable due to the poorly maintained vehicles and reckless drivers. Most companies provide their expat employees with a car, a driver and, in some cases, a security escort. Traffic congestion is massive problem in Lagos, and despite recent improvements to public transport and road networks to try and ease this, it can still take hours to travel just a few kilometers. Molue are larger commercial buses,painted yellow. These buses are usually overcrowded, and it's not unusual to have preachers shouting the gospel, people trekking by or hawkers trying to sell their wares to passengers inside the bus. Pickpocketing is common on these buses and people have to keep a close eye on their valuables at all times.

    *Join Mobiride waiting list today to ease traffic in Lagos State!!!*


    According to expatarrivals.com it has been brought to our notice that the growing population and rapid development of Lagos have placed strain on the city's public transport system, and traffic congestion and pollution add to the chaos of this massive city. The most common forms of public transport in Lagos include taxis, buses and motorbike taxis, known locally as okadas. All of these forms of transport are generally unsafe and unreliable due to the poorly maintained vehicles and reckless drivers. Most companies provide their expat employees with a car, a driver and, in some cases, a security escort. Traffic congestion is massive problem in Lagos, and despite recent improvements to public transport and road networks to try and ease this, it can still take hours to travel just a few kilometers. Molue are larger commercial buses,painted yellow. These buses are usually overcrowded, and it's not unusual to have preachers shouting the gospel, people trekking by or hawkers trying to sell their wares to passengers inside the bus. Pickpocketing is common on these buses and people have to keep a close eye on their valuables at all times.
    And with all these, there seems to be no solution as comforting as having a sure transport plan throughout one’s stay in Lagos. Yes, a transport plan that saves time and cost of transportation and also helps one to generate an income passively and actively. I mean, a transport plan like that of Mobiride.
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    Get on with Mobiride today, and your Lagos traffic story turn a global opportunity.

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