вторник, 5 ноября 2013 г.

Breaking the silence...

Unlike Susie I don't seem to have any problems whatsoever in speaking to people I'm not acquainted to. But surprisingly, I think I feel a bit like Carl from North London about it: I don't mind talking to them occasionaly, exchanging smiles and hellos, but I don't really want to know too much about them; I prefer to discuss some topics that could be interesting to both of us, to tell jokes, even to gosssip from time to time. However, gettting personal bothers me: if I found I don't really like them or don't share their views, meeting them regularly would become a problem, an unwelcome experience which might ruin my convenient and enjoyable routine. So, I guess, I'm just being a bit selfish)))))

9 комментариев:

  1. I'm like Susie and it's hard for me to suddenly start talking to a stranger. As a rule, when it happens I feel a little bit confused but it doesn't mean that I'm scared of having conversation with people. Moreover my friends know me as a too talkative person. Most likely it's because I don't know what to expect from passers by. Last year, for instance, I used to go with one man by the subway every day in the morning at 7 a.m. And once he pushed me away so he could take his sit, and since then I have noticed him and started to hate him every time when I saw him!

  2. I live in a small town where everybody seems to know each other very well, at least we all see one other at times. And I don't know why, but nobody say "Hello" to each other,even when they are neighbours. I don't think that it happens due to the fact that most of the people are just selfish, unfriendly persons, I have a suspicion, that they are shy and reserved. From my experience, if you want a person which you meet every day to become a "friendly stranger" you should just smile and say "Hi" to him.

  3. Today most people are bound to be closed. It’s due to the fact that they don’t have time and wish to get to know each other and even have a talk, they are too busy. I think I am likely to behave the same. I also have the problems as Susie and it’s really difficult for me to talk to a stranger despite seeing this person day in day out. To be honest, I definitely don’t want to waste my time talking to unknown people, to discuss different( especially personal) topics with them. Many neighbours might be too curious and put their foot in your life. However, Susie’s project shows that there are a lot of interesting people around us and we probably pay more attention to strangers. It’s could be very pleasant to say hello and smile to your neighbours!

  4. Well, I'm sure to be a quite sociable and extravert person and I'm definitely find it easy for me to start a conversation with a stranger. Nevertheless, I can't stand listening to some stranger's vapour; It just drives me mad! However, I'd discuss the controversial issue, even with a stranger, with great pleasure if the chance occures. I remember, it happened just a couple of weeks ago - when I was arguing with a friend of mine in a bar about wether the obligation of state to extradite the alleged offender existed apart from treaties. One minute after he had gone, the man sitting next to me introduced himself and expressed his point of view about the issue. And the conversation began...

    1. Dima!!! Please look again at some phrases you've used:
      I'm definitely find it easy for me to
      listening to some stranger's vapour
      I'd discuss ...if the chance occures
      To say nothing of the spelling!

  5. Personally speaking, it's not a problem for me to exchange a 'good afternoon' with the people who my neighbours are. I mean not only the people who live next door, but also neighbours in the whole house. Every day I meet someone in the elevator and I'm bound to greet them. It might be indecently just to stand near the person and keep silent, especially if you have one common thing - you live in the same house! Nevertheless, it may be enough to greet the person and not to talk about all sorts of things or personal problems. Despite the fat that we are neighbours we aren't friends. Sometimes it just gets me down when people want to know too much or are too talkative. It is said that there's a time and a place for everything. We probably shouldn't confuse decency with curiosity of other people.

  6. I found this article interesting and even inspiring. It is thought that people in Moscow are not friendly and don't want to communicate with people around them, but actually it's not true. I think that in life of each of us there were stories like those, when we knew everything about a person, but at thte same time didn't even know his or her name.
    I think we all should become more opened to people around us. Because even a regular smile to unknown person can make our world a better and kinder place.

  7. I really like and totally agree with Susie’s article, it would be quite interesting to discover more about the strangers we pass every day. I would do the same as an experiment, but I’m afraid such tradition won’t settle down in our city. Several times I had some conversations with my neighbours but there were only our common topics, for instance, how our entrance should get repaired. My feeling is that there is no sense to become closer acquaintance with the person you see the first time.
    Pavlov N.
