среда, 27 ноября 2013 г.

Research results

So, it's been a week since we decided to repeat the Times experiment.
My report:
About 65 per cent of what I spent last week was spent on others and only about one third - on myself. It is not surprising for a married woman with a family: my routine expences include buying a lot of things for my husband, my daughter, my mother, my dog and others. I would say, that's pretty typical for me.
As for my mood, it's been quite high in spite of the gloomy weather, overworking, undersleeping and other stressful details, which are also characteristic for this time of the year. 
I daresay, to know more about how my mood depends on my spendings I'd have to stop spending on my family and concentrate on my own pleasures - and compare)))))
What about you?

вторник, 19 ноября 2013 г.

Transport in a city

Dear Group 1.5!

Please post your articles in the comments. They will soon be checked by our second year students; so come back to see their comments. 

Good luck and welcome to our blog!

понедельник, 11 ноября 2013 г.


Dear Group 2.7!

You are welcome to publish your Russian book beginnings or endings together with your translations of them. (StB p43 ex7)
Don't forget that you also have to comment on all the extracts already published by your groupmates. 
I advice you to analyse the translation and to assess the translation style and methods, to say a few words about what has been translated successfully and what could have been rendered in a better way. You can even offer your own ideas how to translate a paragraph - or just translate it yourself! Try to keep your comments detailed and professional and Advanced level)))
You'll be given a mark both for your translation and for your comments!!!
Good luck!

вторник, 5 ноября 2013 г.

Breaking the silence...

Unlike Susie I don't seem to have any problems whatsoever in speaking to people I'm not acquainted to. But surprisingly, I think I feel a bit like Carl from North London about it: I don't mind talking to them occasionaly, exchanging smiles and hellos, but I don't really want to know too much about them; I prefer to discuss some topics that could be interesting to both of us, to tell jokes, even to gosssip from time to time. However, gettting personal bothers me: if I found I don't really like them or don't share their views, meeting them regularly would become a problem, an unwelcome experience which might ruin my convenient and enjoyable routine. So, I guess, I'm just being a bit selfish)))))