среда, 25 сентября 2013 г.

4. one parent should stay at home and look after the child until he/she is of school age.

1 комментарий:

  1. Personally, I agree with this statement. If the financial situation of the family allows one parent not to work it is right to stay at home with the child. I am sure I should be mother. Children of school age, especially who study at primary school need a lot of attention. They don't understand which clothes they should put on, sometimes it is a problem to eat by themselves(in the 1st form), they can't cook and do many things without parents' help. That is why I think mother should be at home and help her child to do all of this things. Moreover, kids have homework at school and they also need parents' help in it. When the child starts secondary school it can be possible for mother to work, because her child got older, more self-dependent, knew and understood how to do difficult things.
    Let's discuss the situation when it's impossible for one of the parents to stay at home and he\she must work to earn the money. The alternative is to ask grandparents to look after the child. They grew up parents, they are members of the extended family. They are own relations, so they love their grandchildren and know how to do all the best for them. Actually grandparents can play the same role as parents. And the children will never feel lonely and helpless being with grandparents.
