I would like you to follow this link and comment on the article you'll find there:
Children "no longer allowed to fail", Tanya Byron warnshttp://www.telegraph.co.uk/education/educationnews/9725022/Children-no-longer-allowed-to-fail-Tanya-Byron-warns.html
I think, it's one of the most difficult issue to dicsuss. But my point of view sis similar to Tanya Byron's. I agree that without mistakes we won't be able to grow up as persons.
ОтветитьУдалитьBut have you been allowed to take risks or to fail? Where should the border lie between natural parents' anxiety for children and their reluctance to let them go on with their own mistakes? Is it because the world has become so very dangerous compared to e.g.200 years ago? And what should adults do?
УдалитьWell, there are a lot people who gave me useful advice about life opportunities. First thing they said was not to be afraid of mistakes. First time I didn't get it, it was a little bit strange because I had been told by my teachers and some others persons, that everything that I do must be perfectly done.
УдалитьFinally I got right point. My parents and coach helped me. No matter what you do, you're allowed to make mistakes, of course it's undesirable but it helps you to "grow up" and learn on your own experience
To be honest, I have never thought about this problem, but I think that sometimes children should be allowed to fail. It can help them to undestand what they do correct or incorrect. Maybe I am wrong or didn't understand this article but in my point of view adults should control the things children usually do and they shouldn't forbid them to make any mistakes as if it really helps children to become a person.
ОтветитьУдалитьI can agree with Tanya Byron only partly. I think she is correct when she discusses a problem in Europe and the USA. I don't argue with her point of view and she is correct that the problem of emotional resilience is very important and that the way of own mistakes is the best way of learning. However, I think that such a problem is not really a problem for our country yet. As I'm sure that in our schools and universities students feel free and have their right to make mistakes without any punishment. Therefore I think this problem exists rather in western countries.If we speak about parents I will say that they should advice their children what will be better for them and show their point of view, but they shouldn't forbid them to make their own mistakes. I think it will be better when a young person understands what is right and what is wrong and decides himself/herself how to do it next time.
ОтветитьУдалитьThe point is arguable and I don't pretend to be an authority on the subject, but as for me, adults shouldn't forbid children to have their own way, they should give them freedom. Of course, it doesn't mean that children can do every stupid thing. But, maybe, sometimes yonger generation can be allow to do their own mistakes and to come to their own conclusions. Failures and risk-taking steel childrens' character ans teach to overcome difficulties.
ОтветитьУдалитьIn my opinion, in your last comments you've shown the most mature language of all! I am impressed!))))))