среда, 19 декабря 2012 г.
воскресенье, 9 декабря 2012 г.
Dear students!
(language groups 1.2, 1.7)
We have decided to ask you a few questions to celebrate the end of your first term.Our first question: Can you recognise your teacher?))))))))))
More questions:
What would you like to see more of at your English lessons?What would you like to see less of at your English lessons?
Which activities did you find most exciting?
Which activities did you find really boring?
Please don't hesitate to give us your opinion! We're looking forward to it!
суббота, 8 декабря 2012 г.
I would like you to follow this link and comment on the article you'll find there:
Children "no longer allowed to fail", Tanya Byron warnshttp://www.telegraph.co.uk/education/educationnews/9725022/Children-no-longer-allowed-to-fail-Tanya-Byron-warns.html
Crime and Creative Punishment
1. An arsonist who sets fire to a local beauty spot, for example, a forest:
ANN: I would order an arsonist who sets fire to a forest to plant by the trees by himself much more than he burnt.
SERGE: I think he should be made to plant trees. A lot of trees, like a little forest
JULIA: To send him to afield and to make him plant the grass, a lot of flowersand trees. He must dig and fertilize the ground. This person must come to this field every week and water all the plants until they grow up.
OLGA: I think he shold be made to plant 100 trees and take care of them for a year.
2. A 15-year-old who is caught drinking and smoking:
ANN: I would order a 15-year-old who is caught drinking and smoking to make a report about danger of drinking and smoking every Sunday during two months and read it to his classmates and pupils of junior school.
SERGE: I think he should be made to take a look at adult drunk. Then he must be to clean places like custody, railway stations...Well, places where might be a lot drunks and homeless people.
TANYA: I would sentence him to work in a rehabilitation centre with alcoholics.
OLGA: I'll order this teenager to spend 2 months in hospital. It will show her how it is important to have good health. Helping sick people will show her possible results of irresponsible attitude to her habits and behaviour.
3. Someone who parks illegally causing major traffic delays:
OLGA: I don't think he shold be allowed to use his car for a month. Instead of driving he should use a bicycle. I'll also attribute him to work as a driver in an ambulance. I'll give the offender an opportunity to understand the importance of every minute.
4. A group of teenagers who paint graffiti all over wall small town:
OLGA: I think they should be made to draw paintings for beneficial share. Community should turn their creative ambitions to the right side.
5. A couple whose dogs bark incessandy and bother the neighbours:
OLGA: I think they should be made to spend 3 days in the park walking with 5 dogs.
6. A young person who creates a computer virus which infects thousands of computers.
JULIA: To send him to the computer service and to show him a lot of people who have their gadgets broken and infected. He must repair all the computers the whole week. If he can't repair all gadgets, he will have to pay his own money to every person.
TANYA: I would make him read all the complaints from computer users and then make him no opportunity to use Internet or even computer for several years.
OLGA: As for me, he should be made to work as a programmer for a big company where computer provides all the work and it is an integral part of the office work. The young person will be able to realize that his virus can cause awful results.
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